Microsoft Defender Training

Empower Your Communication Security with Microsoft Defender.


In this video series, you'll learn the basic concepts of Microsoft Defender.
Microsoft Defender Overview
Microsoft Defender for Office 365

Troubleshooting & Walkthroughs

Check out our guided walkthroughs and troubleshooting content.
Admin: Managing your organization's email quarantine in MS Defender
Improve your MS Defender quarantine workflow with the guidance provided in this video.
User: Managing your email quarantine in MS Defender
Learn how to manage essential features of your email quarantine in this video.
User: Accessing your M365 email quarantine

Open your web browser and navigate to

Navigate to the Quarantine Section:
In the portal, go to Email & Collaboration > Review > Quarantine > Email tab.

View Quarantined Emails:
Select a quarantined email by clicking anywhere in the row other than the checkbox. This will open a details flyout with more information about the email, including options to release, preview, or delete it.

Take Action:

Release an Email:
Click on the email and select Release. Confirm the release action in the flyout that appears.

Request Release:
If your quarantine policy allows, you can request the release of an email by selecting Request release.

Delete an Email:
Choose the email and select Delete. Confirm the deletion in the flyout that appears.


Check out our related content below.

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